The chrysalis beckons. Is it time for a transformation?Chrysalis is your safe space for metamorphosis, a place to shed limitations and emerge stronger than ever.Ā 

Is It Time for Your Transformation?

If deep down, you feel it ā€“ the potential for something more. Welcome. I believe within you lies a blueprint, a seed waiting to bloom into a more true, more aligned version of yourself.Ā  Sometimes life can often feel like an endless crawl, leavingĀ us yearning for a catalyst for change. We wait for something dramatic to happen. An illness, a divorce, a loss.

What if, instead of waiting for something to happen, you consciously choose your transformation?

What if part of knowing and embracing you're enough starts with ENOUGH!

What if a cocoon was a safe space you enter willingly, where you can shed the limitations holding you back and reconnect with your authentic self? Chrysalis is that cocoon.Ā 

In Chrysalis, you will:

  • Unearth the Root Cause: Identify the limiting beliefs, the stories that hold you back ā€“ the hurts, traumas, and low self-esteem that keep you stuck.
  • Embrace Surrender and Compassion:Ā Letting go of past hurts and embracing self-compassion paving the way for your true strength to emerge.
  • Rewrite Your Narrative: Together, we'll rewrite your story from a place of personal power, forgiveness, love, and grace.
  • Spread Your Wings: Through targeted exercises and coaching, you'll develop rock-solid confidence to navigate any challenge and soar.

Chrysalis is more than just theory. It's an immersive experience with:

  • Interactive exercises to challenge your thinking and spark growth.
  • Expert guidance from someone who has been where you are and who believes in you and your potential.


For years, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. The hustle and heartbreak of life left me feeling empty and unsure of who I even was. Then, one day, everything changed. Someone uttered a simple yet profound truth: "You don't have to live like this!"

Those words sparked a fire within me. It was a wake-up call, a reminder that freedom and happiness were choices I could make. I embarked on a spiritual journey, a path of self-discovery that led me back home ā€“ to myself.

This course isn't just about me; it's about your transformation. It's about sharing the tools and techniques I discovered during my own metamorphosis. These are the very tools that helped me break free from the cocoon of self-doubt and build a life overflowing with purpose and joy.

Embrace the Chrysalis Experience:

Personalized Transformation:Ā Your private dashboard provides access to all the tools and resources you need, whenever and wherever you are.

Learn at Your Own Pace:Ā Complete the program on your schedule. The recordings and materials allow you to revisit key concepts at your convenience.

Learn on the Go: 8 Powerful audio and video lessons transform your commute into a masterclass in self-discovery.

Masterclass Magic:Ā Learn from the best. Chrysalis experts features sessions with Amanda and renowned experts like Mel Robbins, John Assaraf, and Dr. Joe Dispenza's head trainer.

Get Instant Access to the Masterclass Vault! While the live sessions have concluded, you can still experience the incredible content. This exclusive offer provides:

Is your life story one you wrote, or one you inherited? Millions of women feel stuck in a script that doesn't resonate, just going through the motions. I've been there myself, experiencing the deep emptiness that comes from simply existing. But guess what? You deserve more. You deserve to thrive.

This 8-week program is your chance to rewrite your story. Together, we'll shed limiting beliefs and uncover your true potential. Imagine waking up excited about the day ahead, surrounded by supportive relationships, and living a life that reflects your values and brings you joy.

My journey started at rock bottom. After losing everything, I realized it was time to rewrite my own script. By addressing my self-worth, I transformed my energy and attracted a life I never dreamed possible. This is your journey of self-discovery, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.


The real work isn't about fixing yourself, it's about healing yourself.

Imagine waking up to a life that ignites your spirit. Deep within you lies a wellspring of strength and resilience, waiting to be tapped. You are the architect of your reality ā€“ your thoughts, beliefs, and actions shape your world. If past efforts haven't yielded results, don't despair. You haven't been looking in the wrong place, you just haven't looked deep enough yet.

It's time to turn inward, to cultivate the power that lies dormant within. Embrace the magnificent journey of transformation. You have the wings ā€“ now spread them and take flight.


My Training, Personal Development & Certifications

It's important to note that while this course was created from my own personal rock bottom journey, I do have the qualifications to lead you out.

  • Degree in Psychology
  • I was a Platinum Partner With Tony Robbins, travelled with him and spent over 1000 hours of coaching/leadership training, business coaching + mentorship with him. 
  • Master Certified NLP Practitioner Certification from Dr. Richard Bandler
  • ICF Coaching Certification from International Coaching Federation.
  • Theta DNA Basic + Advanced Healer/Practitioner Certification.

Week one - Life Eviction Notices - 

Week two - Building Your Wheel - Let's do a Life Audit.

Week three - Your True North - Discovering who you are beyond the titles and labels.

Week four - Excess Baggage - WE will explore who you need to forgive, where you need to surrender, and where freedom is found inside of acceptance. 

Week five - The F word -Changing your Destiny.

Week six - Desires & Destinations - Discovering what you REALLY want

Week seven - Mentors & Expanders - the power of coaches, mentors, and expanders who can expand your reality of what's possible for you.

Week eight - Permission Slip - Setting yourself up to win.

  • Each week is filled with science-backed prompts, exercises, stories to help you Identify self-sabotaging blocks that keep you from living your best life.

  • You'll bring awareness to your patterns, your behaviors, your limitations, your stories so you can rewire your neural pathways to replace limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck.

  • At the end of the course, you'll have raised your self-worth, removed the blocks that kept you playing small so you'll be able to call in the career, relationships, friendships that are in alignment with your highest truth.

  • You’ll also gain community support right from your dashboard. 

  • In order to complete this course, please make sure you have access to WIFI, and give yourself the proper time to dedicate to this deep inner work.

  • 24/7 Access at anytime that is convenient for you!

  • Audio Version Available to listen on the go and come back and dive into the exercises.
  • Lifetime access, you benefit every time the course gets updated.
  • No refunds once the course has begun.


First one starts Jan 18th - March 4th 2022 6:30 -7:30 pm EST - The second one Aug 18th - Oct 18th The live program will be 8 weeks of live teaching with me for 60 mins a week. All calls will be recorded for playback in case you miss a class.

The live program is an exceptional opportunity if you're committed to reaching personal + professional transformation. With me there as your accountability partner, I will help you break through the limiting beliefs and stories that are holding you back so you can arrive quicker not to mention you'll be in the company of others who are on the same journey as you.

No matter what you’re experiencing in your life at the moment, and no matter how you’re feeling, I’m here to support you. I got you. This is the value of signing up for the live program vs the Self Study Program. 

If you don't break this pattern now I will be having the same conversation with you in two years.

Being held in a safe container of unconditional love allows us to drop the bags of the past at the door. ā It allows us to walk boldly into the souls we were meant to BE. It allows us to drop the guard and surrender all the roles we've been playing and take off all the masks so we can finally be seen, heard, and supported. 

During our time together we will dive deep into your mental and emotional patterns, the timeline of experiences that brought you to where you are today, your non-negotiables going forward, and your heart's deepest desires for the next chapter of your life.


Breakdown to Breakthrough is an online course, that you can take from anywhere in the world where you have access to the internet. Upon sign up you will be granted immediate access to the course and for the following 8 weeks from sign up, weekly modules will be unlocked for you to work through. You will also be granted immediate access into our private online community within the course where you can meet and interact with others who are on the same journey as you. 

Anyone who is ready to finally surrender to the DO of life and the various roles they play and just BE. Be seen. Be heard. Be loved. Be transformed. Be aware. With awareness, we have a choice. With choice, we have possibility. With possibility, we can take responsibility. With responsibility, we have empowerment. And with empowerment, we have healing. This course is for anyone who is committed to serious change as it will challenge you to your core of who you “think” you are.

This is for you:

  • If you're ready to give up the self sabotage, the self doubt and you're ready to become who you know deep down you were created to be.
  • If you feel stuck in life, and don'tknow what to do next.
  • You're ready to investigate what’s holding you back from being your authentic self.
  • If you're tired of your own BS and excuses and tired of life being "so hard"
  • If you're ready to be part of your own heroes journey
  • If you're ready to stop doing it all alone and are open to some truth bombs + are open to being responsible for where you find yourself today. 
  • If you're ready to learn to trust yourself and others.
  • If you're ready to stop the self-sabotage.
  • If you're ready to stop feeling guilty for wanting more out of life and are ready to create a different life by creating a different you.

Over the next 8 weeks (or however long it takes you to complete the course, it’s not a race it’s a journey if it takes you longer, it takes you longer). We're gonna go on a journey together, a road trip. I will share all my blood, sweat and TEARS ( I'm so happy that I was able to turn my pain into power to serve you now ) We are going to travel places together. We are going to encounter some rough roads, maybe some bad weather and likely encounter a few unexpected detours. We might even breakdown. But know you must survive the breaking to live through the healing.  This course will challenge you at times because meeting parts of yourself that you’ve been at war with, or ignored which isn’t easy to say the least but its freedom. I'll be there to hold your hand and guide you through EXACTLY what to do. From eviction to permission we will travel.

I’ve gone through all the “figuring it out” so you don’t have to. My hallucination is you might even decide to shed some of your own excess baggage along the way.  Much like an airline who charges for each bag, we will explore what each suitcase or u-haul that you’re lugging is costing you. I’ve deliberately spaced the modules out a week apart so you can marinate in it. Do the exercises, and really see what comes up for you. So depending on when you sign up, the next module will be available on your dashboard a week later. There’s a science to this, and to getting you to actually write things down in your journal. It anchors in the lessons and the experience. For ultimate success and transformation depends on you and you have to commit to the process. The only way out is through. 

Why I Created it: Because I believe we need to look at pain differently and be grateful for the opportunity to grow and evolve because life is always happening FOR US. We're conditioned to avoid pain but that's not healing works. I show you by using my own very real story that healing IS possible. Having a magical life is possible. Abundance and success IS possible but only once you deem yourself worthy of it. Until then you will keep playing chicken with the universe and will keep sending out mixed messages because of your wounding. Hurt people hurt people… and healed people heal people. Hurt requires a healer, and the healer requires having been hurt. Therefore pain serves a very real purpose and should be alchemized as fuel for our rising not passed around like a hot potato. This course is my truth, I share my path to healing, and my healing might be very different from yours but it starts a conversation and gives you an opportunity to unzip your own soul and look around. Healing is hard AF and you will run into some rough waters, that’s inevitable, but suffering is optional and I just don't want others to suffer the way I did - so I created a road map out.

Who It’s Not For: Someone that isn’t committed to growth or transformation and isn’t tired of their own BS story yet. This is not for the unwilling. 

Anywhere you have access to wi-fi.

This is your journey. This is not a race and this course won't expire. Your community and I are here to support you each step of the way - no matter how fast or slow you want to take it. Healing and unraveling happens at different speeds! xx


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